Jan 17

Welcome to Astroworkz

Hello and welcome to Astroworkz!
What…. yet another social media astronomy site?
Well yes… but we started this project to be different and we hope you will find that we are indeed different!
One of the things we have noticed about social media astronomy sites is that they become quickly focused (excusing the pun!) on the things that interest the creator and end up leaping into the more complex and technical aspects of the hobby.
That’s all well and good… unless you happen to be a beginner or someone new to the hobby or perhaps trying to decide if astronomy is for you. Then what?
And that’s where we think Astroworkz can help and where we are aiming our content.
As customer and product supporters we both regularly see the same questions raised and that’s the aim of our content, to help you if you are new to astronomy or thinking of having a go!
The other difference about Astroworkz and other sites is that we will be catering for all aspects of astronomy so you can expect to see lots of beginner’s articles, more detailed content for intermediates as well as equipment reviews for all experience levels.
We won’t be forgetting our visual observers, or junior astronomers too, so it won’t be yet another astrophotography site!
So, stick around and see what comes up 🙂
We will shortly be launching our new website and we have a raft of YouTube videos in production. We think we can be different and are aiming to be just that, with us two who knows what you can expect!
Of course, we’d love to hear what you would like to see too. Please lets us know in the comments.

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